Amazon Business School Online



Nature is high technology
Amazon 4.0 as an innovative alternative to ensure the sustainable development of the biggest tropical forest in the world, preventing it from being transformed into savanna.

To exploit. To preserve. For decades, the debate over the sustainable development of the biggest tropical forest in the world has been a hostage of the polarized environment. In the search for a new way to live with the forest, away from these perspectives, we have created the Amazon 4.0 Institute. In the Institute, we work to bring together the knowledge of local communities and state-of-the-art technology – already accessible through industry 4.0 –, delivering forest-based solutions of high added value.

How we do things
With knowledge. With investment.
Based on science, technology, innovation and strategic planning, promoting a future with the forest. The live forest.
Because nature is high technology. We must leave in the past the notion that the Amazon Region can only be experienced on the basis of either free exploitation or strict preservation.
The Amazon Region is a land of innovative bioeconomy, driven by rich biodiversity and with deep roots. With this as a foundation, it is possible to create local, diversified bioindustries, with high added-value products in every link of the chain. This process, in turn, generates jobs and leads to social integration.
It is not a dream, it is a business with an impact.

Amazon Creative Laboratories
The first step in this direction is the implementation of the Amazon Creative Laboratories (ACLs), which are tools for demonstration, capacity building and creating prototypes based on the concepts already studied together with the peoples of the forest.
The ACLs are specific for each production chain in which the aim is to create value. At the start, we focused on four different ACLs: Cupuassu-Cacao, Brazil Nuts, Açaí and Genomic products.
For processing, we installed domes at a community that had been previously under study, with machinery and equipment controlled by intelligent automation systems, and started the operation. In the Cupuassu-Cacao ACL, already in operation, we will have both chocolate and “cupulate”, a chocolate made with cupuassu, as the first products.

About the Amazon 4.0 Institute
The Amazon 4.0 Institute is a non-profit Non-Governmental Organization governed by private law, dedicated to the development and promotion of social-environmental sustainability in Brazil, especially in the Amazon Region. For further information, please visit the Amazon 4.0 Institute at